Greetings brothers and sisters, as we move towards Thanksgiving break, there is truly much to be thankful for! After the financial report a few weeks earlier, a generous anonymous donor approached us afterwards and offered to pay off the rest of the building loan note for the Church! This generosity truly left me speechless. May God bless us always and guide us in his providence.
Greetings brothers and sisters, in these past few days and in the days to come, there are lots of liturgical workshops for various roles in the Mass. My desire is that we can come together to learn and clarify what it is that we do in the liturgy as well as why we do what we do. Our liturgical tradition goes back even to the Jewish temple in Jesus’ time, and much of what we do is imbued with meaning, symbolism and wisdom.
Greetings brothers and sisters! I hope all is well with you. The last weekend was full of celebrations with All Saints, All Souls and Sunday. In the month of November, it has always been traditionally a month to remember the dead and to pray for them. Let us continue to keep our loved ones in our prayers this month.