Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
What a blessed week it’s been! This past weekend, there was both the Women’s ACTS retreat going on as well as the Archdiocesan Youth Conference (AYC) too! Both were filled with the Holy Spirit. Needless to say, I think I used up a whole tank of gas between Dickenson (where the Women’s ACTS retreat was), Downtown Houston and Most Holy Trinity.
I was also able to meet with our Pastoral Council to meet with all the members of the Council. As I was meeting with them, I discussed my transition so far, but also my challenge in seeing the big picture in terms of our parish ministries. The Pastoral Council and I spent a good amount of time brainstorming a list of all the various ministries that are here at Most Holy Trinity. And after about 45 minutes of so, we all can say that there is a lot going on at Most Holy Trinity! So much is going on here at Most Holy Trinity, in fact, that there is a real struggle to find rooms and space for all of the groups to meet. What a wonderful problem to have!
My plan for the upcoming months, is to put together a directory of all the ministries here at Most Holy Trinity. One of the struggles about coming back from a powerful retreat experience like ACTS or AYC is that there is confusion about where one should direct that fire and passion for Christ that they have received.
It is easy to forget sometimes that our faith is lived out in community and not alone. Jesus called together a community of disciples, in fact the Trinity itself is a community of persons. It is not just any community but a community that pours itself out in love for the other person. It is a communion of persons.
“God is not solitude, but perfect communion. For this reason the human person, the image of God, realizes himself or herself in love, which is a sincere gift of self.” - Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Many other parishes who are named after a saint and often as a result of that take on the mission and charism of the saint as a parish. But because we are named after the Most Holy Trinity, I believe our mission and charism must be communion. So how can we at MHT work to build divinely-inspired communion?
As you meditate and reflect on this question, I will keep you in my prayers and remember you and your intentions at Mass this week.
Pax Christi,
Fr. Khoi