Greetings brothers and sisters,
This weekend is Ministry Fair weekend (After the 5pm, 8am and 10am Masses). I’ve heard that it hasn’t been done in years, so I figured it’s time to start it up again. I always love getting to meet all those who are so involved in the Church and give of their time to share the Gospel with others. We are all called to be the Light of the World and Salt of the Earth for others, and through various ministries we can do that.
Also coming up is also one of my favorite times of the year, All Hallow’s Eve (or “Hallowe'en"), All Saints Day and All Souls Day. There is much confusion about Halloween now-a-days, but it must be understood that Halloween was at the root a Christian celebration. Just like we have Christmas Eve celebrations and even Midnight Mass for Christmas, On the Feast of All Saints we also have a All Saints Eve or All Hallow’s Eve.
One of the misconceptions firstly is that All Saints is a feast day for the Saints we know (canonized saints) but in fact those Saints already have feasts days throughout the year. The Solemnity of All Saints is actually for all the Saints we do not know of, that are not canonized. The Saints that perhaps are our ancestors, our grandparents, those holy men and women in the world that quietly go about their day shining brightly the love and light of Christ. And so if we understand this, then we should understand the celebration of All Saints a family feast day.
Throughout the centuries, the Catholic Church has always taken the things of the world, the celebrations and ways of doing things, and “baptized” it to make it Christian. With Halloween, it was originally Christian and perhaps has become a secular celebration if not even an opportunity for occult activity. Our job is to reclaim our Catholic celebration and to celebrate not only All Hallow’s Eve well, but also All Saints Day and All Souls Day well.
We will have Mass at noon, 6pm and 7:30pm (Spanish) on All Saints Day, as well as a beautiful morning Mass at the cemetery November 2nd at 9am for All Souls Day to pray for all those who have died. I invite all of you to come and celebrate truly the Resurrection and for those in your family who have either arrived in Heaven as Saints or to pray for those who are still on the way in Purgatory.
Pax Christi,
Fr. Khoi